Academic CV
Industry Resume
- Energy and Environmental Economics
- Empirical Industrial Organization
- Machine Learning, Computational Economics, and Artificial Intelligence
- Commodity Market Economics
- Finance
- Ph.D in Economics, Stony Brook University, 2026 (expected)
- Advisors: Yiyi Zhou and Steven Stern
- Graduate Certificate in Artificial Intelligence
- M.S. Analytics, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2022
- Concentration in Computational Data Analysis (Machine Learning)
- M.S. in Economics, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2019
- B.S. in Economics, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2018
Research Projects:
Job market Paper (forthcoming):
Investment and the Transfer of Power: Dynamic Effects of Transmission in Electricity Markets
- Abstract: Renewable resources are required for energy transition, but not all locations have abundant renewables. Additional transmission provides a potential solution and allows for transfer of renewable power from renewables-rich to renewables-poor areas. I examine the impacts of increased long-distance transfer of electricity on the investment choices of fossil fuel and renewable generators. I detail and estimate a dynamic model for generator behavior consisting of a short-run optimal-dispatch problem for the operations market with consideration of the effects of line losses and transmission constraints between zones and a long run dynamic game for the capacity market. I run counterfactual experiments to analyze the impacts to consumer welfare, emissions, and reliability as well as incentives for investment in renewable energy.
Working Papers
Offshore Horizons: HVDC Wind Farms - Exploring Techno-Economic Dimensions. (With Deepi Singh, Gaurav Bhansali, Ali Anwar, Shreepooja Singh, Fang Luo, and Yiyi Zhou. Submitted at IEEE Access.)
- Abstract: High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) technology is a cornerstone of efficient Offshore Wind Farm (OWF) power transmission. This review examines HVDC OWF integration through four interlinked dimensions: economic considerations, connection topologies, converter designs, and technical modeling. It begins with an in-depth economic analysis, evaluating cost-effectiveness, reliability, and market dynamics, focusing on investment, operational costs, and lifecycle expenses. Building on this foundation, the review explores various collection and transmission architectures, highlighting their technical trade-offs, and evaluates power converter designs for efficiency, reliability, and offshore adaptability. Finally, advanced modeling and simulation techniques are reviewed to optimize system performance, enhance reliability, and balance computational efficiency. Throughout each of the four sections, economic and technical constraints are considered together. This helps to improve understanding of how systems can be designed in a way that meets the constraints of both fields and to improve feasibility on both dimensions. Together, these insights provide a holistic framework for sustainable and economically viable offshore wind energy integration.
Works in Progress:
Non Linear Dividend Taxation and Shareholder Disagreement. (With Alexis Anagnostopoulos, Eva Carceles-Poveda, and Gabriel Mihalachel)
Optimal Sizing and Bidding Strategy for Colocated REG-ESS in the Presence of Contracts for Differences. (With Deepi Singh and Shreepooja Singh)
Commodity Markets LLM-based Futures Forecasting. (With Dikshya Mohanty and Khushboo Singh.)
The International Determinants of Shareholder Disagreement. (With Alexis Anagnostopoulos and Eva Carceles-Poveda)
Industrial Policies in a Market with Environmental Externalities: Evidence from the Chinese Solar Panel Industry. (With Yiyi Zhou and Xiangjun Ma.)
Work experience
- 2023-Current: NSF Funded Research Fellow
- BIAS-NRT: Detecting and Addressing Bias in Data, Humans, and Institutions
- Received Fellowship in Detecting and Addressing Bias in People, Institutions, and Data
- Analyzed the metals market and its role in the renewable energy transition
- Performed research on the use of large langauge models in explainable commodities market forecasting
- Utilized economic expertise to research economics of racial wealth gap
- Designed research studies on economic questions as part of an interdisciplinary team of researchers
- Performed web-scraping and economic modelling tasks in pursuit of research goals
- Went through Institutional Review Board Process to obtain IRB approval for research on human subjects
- Presented to a diverse audience on contemporary topics in the economics of inequality and bias
- Collaborated across disciplines to create research combining human centered and data science
- May 2023-May 2024: Graduate Research Assistant
- Spellman High Voltage Power Electronics Lab with Orsted
- Developed data-driven tools to study impact of high-voltage direct current on electricity prices and consumer welfare in New York area leading to research results as well as a marketing report for broad dissemination
- Performing research on the impacts of fixed versus market pricing and interest rates on entry and exit in the European offshore wind market
- Working as part of an interdisciplinary team to perform research related to the econo-technical facets of offshore wind leading to review paper and continued research
- Giving monthly status updates to engineering stakeholders
- Supervisor: Fang Luo and Yiyi Zhou
- May 2023-December 2023: Graduate Research Assistant
- Performed research on the impact of dividend tax progressivity on shareholder disagreement
- Analyzed financial Compustat and WRDS data with Python and Stata to perform financial research
- Supervisor: Eva Carceles-Poveda
- August 2022-Feb 2024: Writing Center Tutor
- Stony Brook Writing Center
- Helping students improve papers, presentations, and other creative projects
- Providing feedback and general suggestions on writing to students at Stony Brook University
- May 2023-Aug 2023: Data Scientist Intern
- Department of Treasury Bureau of the Fiscal Service
- Utilized USAspending API data to perform causal inference
- Joined data from USAspending and other sources using reproducible API calls to facilitate analysis
- Developed functions to automatically pull fiscal data to answer questions related to federal spending using python for development
- Worked with other data scientists to develop monthly report on award spending
- June 2023-July 2023: Economist Intern
- USDA Economic Research Service
- Created visualizations related to the potato industry and usage of common pesticides and fertilizers within the industry over time and across space
- Performed literature review related to the effects of climate change on potato crops, North American potato supply chains, and potato production within North America
- Summer 2015: Microenomics PhD Tutor
- Stony Brook Economics Department
- Tutored Students for the Stony Brook economics Department in PhD-level microeconomics
- Provided engaging lessons on microeconomic material for first-year students
- Summer 2015: Energy Industry Analyst Student Trainee
- Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
- Utilized knowledge of energy markets to develop analysis of anomalies in trading
- Built out dashboard with SQL and Rshiny combining data on natural gas and electricity markets
- Programmed dashboard with SQL and Rshiny combining data on natural gas and electricity markets for improved market anomaly detection incorporating machine learning algorithms including isolation forest, PCA, and SVM
- Developed automatically-updating ARIMA forecasting model for monthly and daily electricity contracts in Python
- Created initial PowerBI dashboard for new dataset from non-RTO West
- Sep 2019-July 2021: Agricultural Economist
- USDA Economic Research Service
- Published oil crops and season average price data products while contributing to oilseeds and wheat outlook reports and various visualizations based on the reports and data
- Designed and implemented the state trade data product and associated database
- Taught division-wide SQL and trainings related to machine learning and various software
- Summer 2015: Peer Tutor
- Georgia Tech Athletic Association
- Tutored students in a variety of mathematical and social science related disciplines to aid in building strong academic performance amongst student athletes at Georgia Tech
- Summer 2015: Financial Management Student Trainee
- Defense Finance and Accounting Services
- Contributed directly to the DoD goal of building and maintaining a well-documented audit trail by working with and developing tools for processing data, building and maintaining database systems, and utilizing a variety of software and systems to ensure financial and accounting standards were achieved directly and efficiently within the Departmental Reporting area
Conference Presentations:
Southern Agricultural Economics Association (Irving, Texas, February 2025)
- Commodity Markets LLM-based Futures Forecasting.
- With Dikshya Mohanty, and Khushboo Singh.
BRIDGES Poster Conference (Stony Brook, New York, January 2025, posters)
- Investment and the Transfer of Power: Dynamic Effects of Transmission in Electricity Markets Link Here
- Offshore Horizons: HVDC Wind Farms - Exploring Techno-Economic Dimensions. (With Deepi Singh, Gaurav Bhansali, Ali Anwar, Shreepooja Singh, Fang Luo, and Yiyi Zhou.) Link Here
- Commodity Markets LLM-based Futures Forecasting. (With Dikshya Mohanty, and Khushboo Singh.) Link Here
Midwest Macro (Richmond, Virginia, May 2024, delivered by Eva Carceles-Poveda)
- Non-Linear Dividend Taxation and Shareholder Disagreement.
- With Eva Carceles-Poveda, Alexis Anagnostopoulos, and Gabriel Mihalachel.
Economics and Computing (New Haven, Connecticut, July 2024, poster)
- Transformers but not the Kind You’re Thinking of: Commodity Market Forecasting using Natural Language Processing
- With Dikshya Mohanty, and Khushboo Singh.
Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (Kansas City, Missouri, July 2020)
- Can an AI figure out whether an AI can take my job? Structural Blueprint for AI-generated Academic Papers in Economics. Paper. Link here.
- Solving the Basis Aggregation Problem. Poster. Link here.
- Agricultural basis from a game theoretic perspective. Poster. Link here.
Government and Industry Publications
- Comparative Study & Networked Benchmarking of Power Electronics Architectures for HVDC OSW Energy Integration, May 2024
- Oil Crops Outlook Report, May 2020-July 2021 Link here.
- Wheat Outlook Report, December 2020-January 2021 Link here.
- Economics of Environmental and Natural Resources, Instructor, Winter 2025
- Economics and Sustainability, Instructor, Fall 2023
- Economics and Sustainability, Instructor, Spring 2023
Teaching Assistant Work
- Data Science and Machine Learning, Teaching Assistant, Summer 2024
- Econometrics (graduate), Teaching Assistant, Spring 2023
- Mathematical Statistics (graduate), Teaching Assistant, Fall 2022
- Introduction to Economics, Teaching Assistant, Fall 2021-Spring 2022
- Philosophy of Science, Technology, and Human Values, Spring 2019
Awards, Fellowships, & Grants
- OVPR Seed Grant (with Eva Carceles-Poveda and Ria Rajiv Shah), Stony Brook University Office of Proposal Development, 2024-2025 ($40,000) Link to Announcement.
- NSF BIAS-NRT Research Fellowship, National Science Foundation, 2023-2025, ($74,000) Link to Announcement.
- Department of Economics Diversity Fellowship, Stony Brook University Economics, 2021-2026 ($75,000) Link to Announcement.
- Python
- Pytorch
- Sklearn
- Huggingface
- Django
- Tableau
- R
- Spark
- Excel
- Javascript
- Scala
- Julia
- Matlab
- Fortran
Service and leadership
- Graduate Student Organization, Economics Senator, 2021-2025
- Graduate Student Organization, Chair of Board of Appeals, 2022-2023
- Economics Graduate Student Departmental Grievance Committee, Student Representative, 2022-2023
- Graduate Student Organization, Member of Political Advocacy Committee, 2022-2023
- Stony Brook University Game Theory Conference, Volunteer, 2024
- AEA LGBT Mentoring Program, Mentor, 2020-2021
- Georgia Tech and Archer high school debate teams, Debate Judge, 2017-2022
- Pipeline Project, Mentor, 2019