Economics and Sustainability

Undergraduate course, Stony Brook University, Economics Department, 2023

These are my slides for Economics and Sustainability. I taught the course in Spring 2022 and Fall 2023. It is an interdisciplinary course focused on the economics of sustainable systems. It provides an introduction to environmental economics at a less mathematical level and is directed at practitioners in the field of sustainability. The textbooks are Introduction to Sustainable Development by Peter Rogers, Kazi F. Jalal , and John A. Boyd and Environmental Economics An Introduction by Barry C. Field and Martha K. Field.

The course is split up between Mondays and Wednesdays lectures, which focus on course content, and Fridays recitations, which focus on applying what students learn.

The syllabus can be found here:

Syllabus Sus 206


Lecture 1: Introduction to Sustainability and Economic Thinking

Intro to Sus 206

Lecture 2: Economy and the Environment

Economy and the Environment

Lecture 3: Supply and Demand

Supply and Demand

Lecture 4: Environmental Quality

Environmental Quality

Lecture 5: Cost-benefit Analysis

Cost-benefit Analysis

Lecture 6: Incentive-based Strategies

Incentive-based Strategies

Lecture 7: Command and Control Policies

Command and Control Policiess

Lecture 8: Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development

Lecture 9: Sustainable Development Indicators and Insurance Markets

Sustainable Development Indicators and Insurance Markets

Lecture 11: Forecasting and the Balance Sheet

Forecasting and the Balance Sheet

Lecture 12: Electricity Markets

I used materials for this lecture from ISONE.

Lecture 13: Energy Market Policy

In this lecture I go over materials from the Energy Information Administration’s Annual Energy Outlook.

Lecture 14: Game Theory and Sustainability

Game Theory and Sustainability


Excel Practice

Rstudio Demonstration

Finding Data

Data Visualization with Tableau

Interagency Commodities Estimates Committee

Electricity Market Simulation

Optimal Poker

Project description

Project Description