
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics

Undergraduate course, Stony Brook University, Department of Economics, 2025

The course Environmental and Natural Resource Economics is broken up into two sections. The first focuses on environmental economics and looks at externalities, cost-benefit analysis, non-market valuation, and geographic information systems. The second takes on the topic of natural resource economics with a focus on energy markets and deep dives into commodity market derivatives, capacity markets, and the economics of nuclear power.

Economics and Sustainability

Undergraduate course, Stony Brook University, Economics Department, 2023

These are my slides for Economics and Sustainability. I taught the course in Spring 2022 and Fall 2023. It is an interdisciplinary course focused on the economics of sustainable systems. It provides an introduction to environmental economics at a less mathematical level and is directed at practitioners in the field of sustainability. The textbooks are Introduction to Sustainable Development by Peter Rogers, Kazi F. Jalal , and John A. Boyd and Environmental Economics An Introduction by Barry C. Field and Martha K. Field.

Data Science and Machine Learning

Reciations, Stony Brook University, Economics Department, 2023

These are recitations for my Introduction to Machine Learning for Economists alongside code and slides. My hope is to make it easier for economists to delve into machine learning topics. Recitation Code Repository